
Moisture infiltration can lead to a myriad of problems, as wet roofing and insulation:
conduct rather than resist heat
lose their abilities to resist thermal and dynamic stresses
lead to the disintegration of the insulation and fasteners
accelerate the deterioration of the roof membrane system
cause damage to structural decks, joists and columns
compress and allow water to pond on the roof
Finding and removing wet materials before they spread can be key to improving a roof system's lifespan
Infrared Scanning and Radioisotopic Surveying can be performed on in-place roofs to detect indications of excess moisture in insulation layers and roofing. This service is particularly applicable when designing a roof management plan for industrial or institutional complexes, when planning roof recovery work, and when evaluating multilayered roofing and roofing over cementitious or fibrous decks. Both technologies have proven themselves useful in tracing difficult to locate leak sources.
Thermographic Imaging/Infrafred Scanning
Infrared Scanning detects temperature differences as energy radiates from the surface of the roof. Scans are conducted on the rooftop after sunset. During Summer, roofs retain some of the heat they absorb during the day. After sunset, they release this heat. Wet materials, however, act as a heat sink and release their heat more slowly. During Winter, wet insulation more readily conducts interior heat through the roof. In both cases, heat release rates that differ from surrounding materials are detectible through thermography. Photographs of both daytime conditions and infrared images and a roof moisture map are provided in the scan report.
Radioisotopic Detection / Surveying
Radioisotopic Surveying detects the density of hydrogen (water and hydrocarbons) within the roofing assembly. IRCA conducts these surveys on the roof during daylight. The roof is laid out in a survey grid with intersections marked on the roof. At each intersection a density reading from a roof moisture gauge is collected and recorded. Roof samples are taken to quantify density readings. Once the field work is complete, the data is processed and the roof samples are analyzed. Among other vital information, a computerized topographic map showing roof moisture levels and locations is produced and included in the survey report.